Over the years and set my sights on one overall goal. “Don’t be complacent and don’t follow the crowd.” If I had to sum up my philosophy on life in just one sentiment, it would be this: “Live smart and challenge yourself.” Life is way too short to not be enjoyed for everything it has to offer and for every talent you have to offer it right back.
Make a Change
If you’re not in a place you want to,
or you’re looking 30-40 years in
the future,
My Story
You can do anything you want with your entire life.
Why would you spend a single day.
doing something you hate?
I’ve always been one who doesn’t exactly like conforming. That’s an understatement, who am I kidding. I don’t like to confirm. And I don’t like doing things “just because,” especially when I see so many people going through the motions of their life or job “just because” our culture tells them to. “What do you mean I CAN’T do this? Hmmm, no, I think I’m just going to do it.”
I’ve had a number of very profound experiences that have completely changed my outlook on life. The most eternal, so to speak, was when I became a Christian at 19. The one most connected to my ideas on travel and opportunity is when I watched one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen from a cruise ship in the middle of the Caribbean ocean. “I can do anything I want with my entire life,” I thought to myself. “What would I spend a single second doing something that didn’t bring me joy?”
My advice? If you want to go to Europe, go to Europe now. If you want to see the world, take on a new job or experience a new adventure, do it NOW. Yes there is a balance between saving for the future and spending every penny you have at 20 or 30. But let me tell you, when you start eliminating some of the waste and unnecessary spending from your life,you’re really going to be amazed at how much you don’t need.
If you’re sick of this lifestyle, or if you’re looking 30-40 years into the future and are terrified of living this way, then you’ve come to the right place.
You’re not going to all of a sudden wake up and have all your problems disappear. You need to take the steps to change them. You CAN change your life and you CAN have the freedom you want five, 10 and 20 years from now. But it’s a heck of a lot easier to have that freedom if you act now than if you wait years or decades longer to make a plan.
I’v become a published author, a certified pilot, a high-dollar fundraiser and a multiple home owner, just because I wanted a new challenge. I’ve invested in real estate, given over 100 media interviews, become 100% debt free, and spent a full year traveling the world on the budget of a fast food worker’s salary.
At the age of 30 I decided I knew what I didn’t want to do with my life. I spent about 10 years in work related to politics and I saw the the type of people who’d spent their lives in politics. When my job ended I decided I was done. I sold a lot of what I had, grabbed a backpack and traveled the world for one year.
My goal in for this website is partially for me and partially for you. For myself, I want to collect my thoughts and keep challenging and encouraging myself to keep pushing forward to greater and grander adventures.
For you, I want to relay that you can do things differently than everyone is telling you, “You Must.” Rather you CAN save money, you CAN cut costs, you CAN travel and you DON’T have to work a job you hate in order to get the weekend and a week’s vacation every year, simply because, “That’s what everyone else does.”
Here I’ll relay thoughts, advice and tips on traveling, time management and general “life hacks” to make yourself happier and give yourself more time to do the things you want. Above all, Challenge Yourself now and worry about “conforming,” later.
Only a few of the lessons i’ve learned and the ways i can help
“I wish I could travel… but it’s just too expensive.”“I’d can’t stand my job… but I don’t see any way out.”“I know I need to get in better shape… but where do I start?”Investing and stocks and bonds are like Greek to me… I’m worried about saving money.”
Travel doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. Your job shouldn’t make you wake up every morning cursing the alarm clock. A fitness routine doesn’t need to be an Olympic event. And saving money for the future isn’t rocket science.
I encourage you to take charge of your life, set your sights on your goals, and achieve your dreams NOW. Here at my website, I cover ways to travel for cheap, make more money, cut your expenses and give yourself more time freedom.
health & fitness
Step 4
“I’ll start tomorrow” is everyone’s mantra when it comes to fixing their mind or body. Your health comprises much more than just your exercise routine. From eating better to getting more sleep to removing toxic people from your life to making making peace with God or yourself. I help you remove the worry from your life and enjoy everything it has to offer.
travel more
Step 1
“I’d love to travel, but…” is the excuse of the day. I can tell you from personal experience that travel doesn’t have to be expensive, stressful, or difficult to plan. Not only that, but it can often be done virtually for free! I’ll show you how to travel without breaking the bank or realize your dreams of location freedom.
gain confidence
Step 1
Get a new job, learn a skill, set a goal, what is it you’ve, “Always wanted to do?” Achieve your goals and realize your dreams. Boost your self-confidence and literally do anything you want with your entire life… Why would you waste a single second doing something else?
create income
From learning what to say in an interview, to negotiating a higher salary, to starting your own small business, buying stock or property, or selling things you have around the house. I’ll give you the tools to turn your earning potential into overdrive.
save money
When you think of all the things you’ve wasted money on, you cringe. I know I do. Imagine if you’d saved it or invested it. Don’t worry, it’s never too late to start. Whether it be cutting down your cell phone bill or getting out of debt. I’ll show you how to cut expenses, reduce your costs and save for the future.
health & Fitness
“I’ll start tomorrow” is everyone’s mantra when it comes to fixing their mind or body. Your health comprises much more than just your exercise routine. From eating better to getting more sleep to removing toxic people from your life to making making peace with God or yourself. I help you remove the worry from your life and enjoy everything it has to offer.
time management
You can always get more money, but you can never get more time. Your time is valuable, finite, and by far your most precious resource. I know that simple tips can give you extra minutes or even hours each day. Work smart, not hard simply for the sake of it