Trade 1 is Official. I Traded a Rock for a Computer Cooling Fan

Trade 1 is official! For the first one I traded my rock for a computer Cooling Fan.

I was sad to part with such a great rock, but the project has begun and the cooling fan was a good deal.

I posted in Facebook marketplace and got a ton of offers (most of them very snarky, but who can blame them, ya know? 😏)

I chatted with a super cool guy who loved my project write up and was all about trades. He wasn’t using the fan and we had a deal!

Estimated Value: $20-25

Would you trade me something for this cooling fan?

Thoughts so far? Did I make a good trade?

Follow along on my journey to trade from a rock to a house. It’s a project I’m calling, #BecauseLibertyRocks.

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