I’ve Steve. I’m a firm believer that too many people find themselves just going through the motions in today’s world. More so just surviving their lives from day to day, week to week, month to month, as the years pass by.
After about 10 years in the same field, I decided I knew what I did NOT want to do with my life, so I left my career and took a year to travel the world.
Across multiple jobs and the years that have come with them, I’ve gained valuable experience on ways to make money, improving your fitness, worry less, cut costs, saving for the future and setting (and reaching) amazing goals even I never thought were possible.
SubscribeAre you waiting for “someday?”
So often we’re told to “Work, get through school, work,
go to college, work, get married, work, buy things that will surely make us happy…
Work, get a mortgage, work, have kids work, take a week off a year and maybe go on vacation, work…
Retire at 65 or 70 and THEN relax, travel and enjoy yourself.”

Here’s Why That’s Wrong
Let me break some bad news to you. You have no idea what the future holds. You might not be living at 65 or 70. Your spouse may not be living at 65 or 70. You could be too old or sick or infirmed to physically walk up the steps to the airplane to take you to Europe, much less walk across Europe.
On this site I provide the advice, the tools, and the motivation to take charge of your life and live like you SHOULD, and not how culture claims you must. And whether that’s taking on a new job, traveling to a new country, saving money so you can retire early or start a location independent business that allows you to work from anywhere in the world…. There’s a plan for it.
Whether you are a student entering college, a young professional working long hours for little pay, a stay at home parent, a middle aged blue collar worker, or maybe getting close to retirement, I’m here to tell you that all of the things I list on this site… ALL OF THEM… can work for you.

the 5 aspects that manage our lives
I believe there are five main aspects or “categories” that our goals, hopes, dreams, strengths and even fears, fall into.
By placing each element of our life into one of these categories, you’ll be able to take charge of your life
Learn a skill, try a new trade, master a language. Increase your knowledge and improve your mind. Maybe you’ve always wanted to take a cooking class, write a book of poetry, or start a new hobby or small business. Sharpening your mental capabilities will strengthen your brain and enable you to reach even more of your goals in the future.
Go to the gym, gain muscle, lose weight, improve your flexibility, get stronger, run faster, jump higher, etc. There are no limits to this, and the great thing is you only need to compare yourself to yourself. Whether you’re 20 or 80 there is never a bad time to get in better shape.
This could be related to a health concern, to look good for a significant other, or merely to ensure you’re around for your grand-kids or great grand-kids. Don’t forget, “physical” doesn’t just mean the exercise part. Eating different foods, eating better foods, eating more vegetables, taking vitamins and even getting more sleep are all a part of your physical fitness. Improving your physical self with a proper diet, exercise and even getting more sleep, will bring about improvements right away and lead to literally decades of a better quality of life.
Make more money, save more money. Eliminate debt, cut expenses. Your financial goals can be extremely long term or extremely immediate. Do you want to retire at 50 or 60 or maybe live your life so you never need to retire?
Do you want to start a new career or change jobs? Maybe you want to save for a house, pay off a loan loan .Here on the blog I cover ways to make money through work or investing and get the systems in place to set yourself up for financial success for the long term. And whether it be tips on how to negotiate a higher salary at work or cutting down your cell phone bill I’ll show you how.
Regardless of your religion or lack of religion, your spiritual well-being is just as important as the other categories. Everyone should have a firm grasp of the fact that one day you will no longer be breathing, so you’d better make the most of your time on this earth.
As a Christian I believe I’ll one day answer to a higher power. It’s why I believe I have a duty to understand the teaching of Jesus Christ and the Bible.
If you’re not religious however, your spiritual life is still very important. How’s that? Because “spiritual” does not necessarily need to mean religious. Are you ostracized from a family member? Do you want to repair a friendship? Would you like to spend more time with your kids or have deeper conversations with your wife?
Think of a spiritual goal as being tied to your psyche. Lots of people who don’t practice religion still practice meditation or deep breathing exercises to start or end their day. You can learn to speak another language, make more money, or bench press more weight, but if you’re always stressed out, your spiritual life is suffering.
The other four have obvious applications, but this one is just as important. I call it “Experiential” because it’s based on experiences. It builds on the other four aspects to craft lasting experiences that emphasize the importance of mastering the other four aspects and build your confidence.
Get a new job, learn a skill, Travel the World, or achieve your life’s dream, what is it you, “Wish you’d always done?” Achieve your goals and realize your dreams. Boost your self-confidence and you’ll become a completely new person. You can literally do anything you want with your entire life… Why would you waste a single second doing something else?
5 Tools of Freedom
Just as there are 5 aspects that
govern our lives, I’ve identified 5 tools
we use to achieve success and freedom.
I call these “The 5 Tools of Freedom.”
These are the methods we use
to grant us freedom
and improve the aspects of our lives.
the 5 tools
of freedom
Just as there are 5 aspects that govern our lives, I’ve identified 5 tools we use to achieve the success and freedom that we desire. I call these simply “The 5 Tools of Freedom.”These are the methods we use to grant us freedom and improve the aspects of our lives. Click here to learn how to master the five tools.
the podcast
Engaging guests join me to provide vivid illustrations, explain confusing concepts, or reveal deeply personal experiences of their own.
Find yourself learning something new, listening to a captivating story, or transforming your perception on a subject, or person, you didn’t previously understand. I’m excited to chat with them and bring their story to life! New episodes released each week. Available on apple podcasts, spotify, pandora, iHeartRadio, and lots more! Download and listen to “The Good Vibes Project”
Tools, Guides, & Resources
In addition to the blog, I release checklists, guides and resource lists and publish them here on the website. I’ve grouped many of them together into my Tools and Resources page. And whether it be a list of ways to start your own blog or business, or how to save money on your next vacation, I offer a ton of free guidance that can easily be found on the pages of this site.
and how i’ll show you
Along the way I deided to take the tips and tools I’ve learned to help other people LIVE their lives, and achieve the goals they’d been putting off to the side.
Whether your goal is to save money so you can retire at 50, visit those countries on your bucket list, get a new job, learn to be a better public speaker, or get into shape, I’m here to tell you it’s all possible. You’ll learn to disregard how the world and our culture tells says you allegedly “must live your life.”
I’m firm believer that too many people find themselves just going through the motions in today’s world. More so just surviving their lives from day to day, week to week, month to month, as the years pass on by.
For the longest time I’d heard positive feedback from friends and co-workers each time I’d give them a tip to save time, make money or improve an aspect of their life. “You know Steve that was really helpful, you should write that down or blog about it and share it with more people. Until one day I did, and my website was born. I’ll offer helpful tips and resources as well as let you into my world through my blog.
Secret #2
Join with other email subscribers for my once in a while email updates in which I deliver some of my most recent work as well exclusive content not found on the website. On occasion I’ll create a guide or walk-through which can only be received by being an email subscriber. It’s 100% free, and I keep it to many once every month or so, so click here to subscribe.
Supporting on patreon
Secret #2
Patreon allows me to expand upon the tips, advice, and thoughts I’m making available throughout my different creative endeavors. You offer your support with a contribution each month at a level you feel comfortable with. As a special “Thank You” for your support, I offer Patrons additional items, exclusive content, and access to projects only available to those on Patreon! Click here to support me on Patreon.
private coaching & consulting
Secret #3
Across my career, my fields of study, and sometimes just my hobbies, I’ve picked up the skills and experience that have served me well and allowed me to live a life that gives me the freedom to do the things I love.
Whether your interest lies in tackling your debt, assembling a fitness plan, becoming a better public speaker, learning a new skill, making more money, gaining confidence, or traveling the world, those are just a few of the things I’m well versed in.
I do both personalized, 1 on 1 coaching sessionns as well as executive coaching and full development and audits for businesses.
I’ve helped many people conquer their fears, get their lives back on track and start living life to the fullest. I’ve also helped businesses increase sales, get out of debt, and even avoid going out of business. I’m confident I can do the same for you or your company.
I’ve succeeded and I’ve failed.
Anyone who claims they’ve been
perfect isn’t giving you the advice you need to be
successful. Learn a little more…